Unite Productivity & Content Curation to Transform your Brand
The ultimate tool for content creators, marketers, researchers, readers, and productivity enthusiasts. Effortlessly create, curate, discover, and share. Transform information into impactful, shareable, and monetizable knowledge to elevate your brand
AI-Powered Tool To Streamline and Monetise Digital Content - All In One Place!
Effortless content management and productivity to Streamline bookmarking, enjoy creative curation, enhance reading experiences and more. Perfect for professionals, students, and hobbyists
Bookmark Management & Efficiency
Bookmark Manager
Organize, access, and manage bookmarks with unparalleled ease, making it a breeze to navigate through favourite sites. Revolutionize bookmarking experience with CurateIt's Bookmark Manager
Save sessions
Never loose a session, restart sessions easily with Curateit’s Tabs Manager. Share research, sessions with team, enhancing productivity for professionals and multitaskers alike
Content Interaction & Accessibility
Highlight the Web
Best for product managers, researchers and avid readers to quickly pinpoint and reference key information
Reader Mode
Read favorite articles without ads, speed read them or even listen to them to boost productivity
Social Media & Content Creation
Backup Social Media Posts
Effortlessly back up insights from Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit. Essential for preserving your digital footprint and valuable social media content
Web Clipper
Capture and annotate web content directly for your projects. A powerful tool for content creators, enabling easy collection and organization of web information
Your journey to having the most organized, tab-zero browser starts here.
It’s a must-have superpower for all creators.
Different Roles,
One Solution
Product Research
Compile and analyze competitor products and market trends for informed strategy development
Knowledge Management
Organize marketing guidelines, resources, and best practices for team access and efficiency
News Digest
Compile and analyze competitor products and market trends for informed strategy development
What Customer Says
Tool and strategies modern teams need to help their companies grow.
"CurateIt has been a lifesaver for managing my research articles and notes. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to keep everything organized."
Dr. Emily Nguyen,
Research Scientist
"As a Product Manager, I find CurateIt indispensable for collating user feedback and competitor analysis. It's streamlined our development process significantly."
Michael Chen,
Senior Product Manage
"CurateIt has elevated my content creation process, allowing me to efficiently organize and reference my sources. It's an essential tool for any blogger."
Sarah Johnson,
Professional Blogger
"The ability to save and categorize diverse content types has made CurateIt a crucial part of my daily workflow as a Graphic Designer."
Alex Rodriguez,
Freelance Graphic Designer
Using CurateIt for academic purposes has transformed how I organize my study materials. Its features are perfect for students and educators alike.
Rachel Smith,
University Lecturer
"As a Marketing Consultant, CurateIt helps me keep track of industry trends and client information, making my work more efficient and organized."
David Lee,
Marketing Consultant
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
CurateIt is designed for Professionals, Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small to medium-sized businesses looking to increase productivity by over 25%, offering web clipping, tab management, bookmarks, Spotlight search, reader view, dark mode, text-to-speech, PDF and YouTube transcript highlights, image screenshots, OCR, site info, and more. Enhance your content curation and organization process with our Chrome extension and web app.
Sign up to get your invite
Sign up now and transform the way you save, organize, and access your favorite content from across the web
CurateIt is designed for Professionals, Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small to medium-sized businesses
© 2024 Curateit Inc. All rights reserved.